Design & Development of the National Tennis Cup Website.

Oystr Agency collaborated with the French Tennis Federation ( to create the official website for the National Tennis Cup (NTC) 2024, the world's largest amateur tennis tournament. Developed with WordPress, the site provides comprehensive information about the event, including qualification phases, event details, and participant information.


The concept of the NTC 2024 website was to develop a digital platform that caters to both participants and spectators. The site features a mobile-first design, ensuring optimal performance on all devices. It includes detailed sections about the tournament, a user-friendly pass booking system, and a comprehensive back-office dashboard for managing pass orders and participant data.


The primary objective was to develop a user-friendly website that enhances engagement and provides a seamless experience for both participants and administrators. The site needed to clearly present the tournament details, facilitate easy pass booking, and offer a robust backend system for managing participant data and orders.


The main challenges included designing a visually appealing and informative site that simplifies the presentation of complex tournament information, integrating a user-friendly pass booking system, and ensuring the site’s responsiveness across all devices. Additionally, creating a comprehensive back-office dashboard to manage orders and participant data effectively was essential.


Oystr Agency used WordPress to develop the NTC 2024 website, leveraging its powerful content management capabilities and flexibility. The mobile-first design ensures optimal performance on smartphones and tablets. Key features include a detailed tournament information section, an ergonomic pass booking system, and a comprehensive back-office dashboard for managing orders and participant data. The use of high-quality images, videos, and a clean, modern layout enhances the user experience.


The NTC 2024 website launch led to increased user engagement and a significant rise in pass bookings. Users appreciated the ease of navigation and the clear presentation of tournament details. The mobile-first design ensured a seamless experience across all devices, resulting in higher interaction rates and positive feedback. The robust back-office dashboard allowed administrators to manage orders and participant data efficiently, contributing to the smooth operation of the event. The website successfully communicated the value of the NTC 2024 tournament, attracting a larger audience and enhancing the event’s overall success.

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